Jim's Richard III Blog

What had started as a blog of Richard III rehearsal process at Cal Shakes has now evolved or devolved into a small novella. The author is petrified to change the name for fear it'll disappear, and wouldn't know what to call it anyway. Many stories are included and questions are even answered sometimes!

Tuesday, October 16, 2018


Hi there, whoever the heck you are.

It’s been almost 9 years since my last blog post.  Wow.  I’d tried to revive the thing but the google sign in process was such a pain I gave up in frustration.  So why am I back?

A few days ago during our tech week of The Resting Place at The Magic Theatre in San Francisco one of our technicians asked me if I knew a certain individual.  I said I thought I did but my bad memory with names is legend and wasn’t sure.  He then mentioned the Ten Commandments of Show Biz and said he’d found it on my blog.  I hadn’t realized the damn thing was still floating around in the ether along with billions of other bits of trivia, thought it inactive, that it had likely been nuked, swept away in Blogger housekeeping.

But no.

And so I tried once again to sign on and log and behold was able to access it once again.  I’ve been dusting it off, dumping 9 years of spam postings and am on the threshold of posting brilliant thoughts about whatever.  I think the link is still tied to Cal Shakes and I’m too cheap to buy my own domain name.  I can barely keep up with technology.

So we’ll see.  We’ll just see.