Jim's Richard III Blog

What had started as a blog of Richard III rehearsal process at Cal Shakes has now evolved or devolved into a small novella. The author is petrified to change the name for fear it'll disappear, and wouldn't know what to call it anyway. Many stories are included and questions are even answered sometimes!

Friday, June 1, 2007

Rogues Gallery

A few of the warriors of Richard III: at right, fellow blogger
Max Moore getting into makeup and character; Max is a lovely man. He also reads his lines as Bill Cosby for us, which has caused high hilarity on more than one occasion. I hope to continue his acquaintance!

Our 2 "Princes" in awar of cards.
Elvy Yost at L. and Caroline Gelber, beautiful, sweet and talented young ladies. Elvy is waiting to see if she's been accepted to an acting program
but I don't want to jinx it, so I won't say where but cross your fingers for her--Caroline (at right) is sharp as a whip, funny and charming.

At right the most excellent Reg Rogers in a rare moment
of rest. His performance is a must-see!

and last but not least "The Evil Dan" Hiatt
a good friend and one of the finest of many fine Bay Area actors--Dan and I have shared the same make up space for many years now. He's a magnificent man, funny, smart and as you can see--he has perfect hair.............