Rogues Gallery
A few of the warriors of Richard III: at right, fellow blogger
Max Moore getting into makeup and character; Max is a lovely man. He also reads his lines as Bill Cosby for us, which has caused high hilarity on more than one occasion. I hope to continue his acquaintance!
Our 2 "Princes" in awar of cards.
Elvy Yost at L. and Caroline Gelber, beautiful, sweet and talented young ladies. Elvy is waiting to see if she's been accepted to an acting program
but I don't want to jinx it, so I won't say where but cross your fingers for her--Caroline (at right) is sharp as a whip, funny and charming.
At right the most excellent Reg Rogers in a rare moment
of rest. His performance is a must-see!
and last but not least "The Evil Dan" Hiatt
a good friend and one of the finest of many fine Bay Area actors--Dan and I have shared the same make up space for many years now. He's a magnificent man, funny, smart and as you can see--he has perfect hair.............